Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 4 - Yogurt

Since we both love yogurt, this experiment was especially intriguing to both of us.  Who knew that making yogurt is so easy?

A big glass measuring cup
Cultured yogurt
Styrofoam cups
Plastic spoon
Aluminum foil

1.  Boil some of the milk in the measuring cup in the microwave.
2.  Pour the milk into the cups.
3.  Mix in a little bit of the cultured yogurt into each cup.
4.  Pour some cold, not boiled milk into another Styrofoam cup and mix in some yogurt.
5.  Loosely cover all Styrofoam cups with aluminum foil so that air can get underneath the foil.
6.  Let the cups incubate overnight.
7.  Check the yogurt to see if it formed.
8.  Eat!

Results:  Well, we accidentally forgot to put the yogurt in the incubator overnight, so the yogurt sat on the counter all night.  When we arrived in the laboratory in the morning, we put it in the incubator.  By the end of the lab, about 4.5 hours later, the yogurt had not curdled.  This is probably due to the yogurt sitting out all night.

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