Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 3 - Is that Cotton I Smell?

Hooray!  Today we learned how to do some lab techniques that nurses perform as their tasks.  Of course, the lab tests were not glamorous, but we had a lot of fun!  After performing the lab tests, we streaked the samples we obtained on the proper agar plates.

Throat Swab: To test for bacterial strep throat.

Disposable gloves
Sterile cotton-tipped applicator
Sterile tongue depressor
Blood agar plate

1.  Wash hands and put on gloves.

2.  Gather sterile equipment which should be nearby.  Be sure that the parts of the sterile equipment that will touch the patient do not touch anything else.

3.  Use the tongue depressor to flatten the patient's tongues while quickly running the cotton-tipped applicator over the arch near the tonsils in the back of the patient's mouth.
4.  Streak the blood agar plate with the throat sample on the cotton-tipped applicator.

5.  Incubate the blood agar plate at 35 degrees for 24 hours.

6.  Dispose of the cotton-tipped applicator and tongue depressor in the biohazard waste bag.  Throw away gloves and wash hands.


View on the table                                   Under Microscope

Discussion:  Since there is no glowing yellowish color around the colonies, it is not beta-streptococcus (full lysis).  There are alpha- and gamma-streptococcus (partial and no lysis).

Nasal Swab: To test for MRSA (Methicilline-resistant staphylococcus aureus).

Disposable gloves
Sterile cotton-tipped applicator
Sterile saline solution
Mannitol salt agar plate
1.  Wash hands and put on gloves.
2.  Gather sterile equipment which should be nearby.  Be sure that the parts of the sterile equipment that will touch the patient do not touch anything else.
3.  Dip the cotton-tipped applicator into the saline solution.
4.  Place thumb on the top of the patient's nose so that the cotton-tipped applicator collects a better sample.  Run the cotton-tipped applicator a couple of times around the circumference right inside of the patient's nose.  Repeat for the other nostril.
5.  Streak the mannitol salt agar plate with the nasal sample.
6.  Incubate the mannitol salt agar plate at 35 degrees for 24 hours.
7.  Dispose of the cotton-tipped applicator in the biohazard waste bag.
8.  Dispose of gloves and wash hands.


Under microscope

Staphylococcus grew, but it is not staphylococcus aureus, because the agar medium did not turn yellow.

Urine Streak:  To test for E. Coli in the urine.

Closed container with urine specimen
Disposable gloves
Pipet with disposable sterile tip
MacConkey agar plate
Inoculating loop

1.  Wash hands and put on gloves.
2.  Open container of urine and use the pipet with the disposable sterile tip to withdraw a drop of urine.
3.  Put the drop of urine on the MacConkey agar plate.
4.  Streak the agar plate with the inoculating loop using aseptic technique.
5.  Incubate the MacConkey agar plate at 35 degrees for 24-48 hours.
6.  Flush the extra urine and dispose of the disposable pipet tip in a biohazard waste bag.
7.  After incubation, examine the plate for bacterial colonies.
8.  Discard the plate in the proper place for sterilization.


Discussion:  Nothing grew on the agar, so there is no E. Coli in the urine.

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